Food scraps that can go in your compost bucket include
All your vegetable and fruit wastes, (including rinds and cores) even if they are moldy and ugly
Old bread, donuts, cookies, crackers, pizza crust, noodles: anything made out of flour!
Grains (cooked or uncooked): rice, barley, you name it
Coffee grounds, tea bags, filters
Fruit or vegetable pulp from juicing
Old spices
Outdated boxed foods from the pantry
Egg shells
Corn cobs and husks (cobs breakdown very slowly)
What can not be composted?
Meat or meat waste, such as bones, fat, gristle, skin, etc.
Fish or fish waste
Dairy products, such as cheese, butter, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream, etc.
Grease and oils of any kind
Why can't you compost these food wastes?
They inbalance the otherwise nutrient-rich structure of other food and vegetation waste and breakdown slowly
They attract rodents and other scavenging animals
Meat attracts maggots
Your compost bin will smell pretty bad!
Also any plastic, any paper, and any type of “compostable” plates, to-go containers, or silverware are not allowed.
The only exception to the “no paper” rule is for coffee filters and tea bags– these items are allowed.